To receive your free credit report online, you must complete the identity verification process. If you
don't wish to complete the process online or you can't complete it online, you may obtain your free
credit report by
phone or mail.
Upon viewing your report online, we strongly recommend that you print or save it before you close
the window and leave the site as it will only be available to you during this session with TransUnion.
Lastly please supply some additional information to continue
Please provide your current email and phone number for identity verification.
To complete the next section, you may need to refer to information including, but not limited to,
your credit cards, loans and mortgages. Please have any statements or documents available.You will be asked few questions
so we can verify your identity in order to protect your privacy
I understand that TransUnion will use the SSN that I provided on to deliver any products that I request on this website.